Identifying the causal variants from a GWAS generally involves identifying the haplotype blocks that contain your variant of interest, rather than the variant and the gene it is affecting itself. To find the actual genes involved, you need to consider all variants in LD with your identified associations. Ensembl Post-GWAS analysis pipeline (PostGAP) can provide automatic fine-tuning of your GWAS variants, incorporating regulatory information and population-wide LD calculations, along with your VEP results.

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This guest blog is a joint contribution by Laura Harris (GWAS Catalog) and Astrid Gall (Ensembl Outreach). You can contact our colleagues of the GWAS Catalog at gwas-info[at]

This year marks a special anniversary for the GWAS Catalog, as we have reached ten years since our launch in 2008. The GWAS Catalog is a widely used publicly available resource of all published human genome wide association studies (GWAS) and association results. Each GWAS study contains a wealth of information which is effectively inaccessible to researchers and clinicians without them spending a lot of time undertaking regular systematic reviews of the literature. This is where we can help you!

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