We are pleased to announce the release of Ensembl 113, and the corresponding release of Ensembl Genomes 60. This release brings major gene and regulatory feature annotation updates in Homo sapiens (Human) and Mus musculus (Mouse). We have updated existing genomes and added additional genomes across the different Ensembl sites, including livestock breeds in Ensembl, three new species in Ensembl Plants and 26 new species in Ensembl Metazoa. Can’t find the species you are looking for? Don’t forget that new and exciting genome assemblies and annotations are continuously added to Ensembl Rapid Release!

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We are back with our Getting to know us (a.k.a. Teamsembl) blog series after a short hiatus in March. For the month of April, we got the chance to Swati Sinha who is a senior bioinformatician in the Ensembl Genebuild team. The Genebuild team is in charge of the Ensembl automatic annotation pipeline. Read all about Swati and have a look at the amazing photographs she has taken during her travels.

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