Disruptions are now resolved and Ensembl services are back to normal.

We have temporarily disabled Ensembl Tools, for example VEP and BLAST/BLAT on our vertebrate live websites (www, US East, US West, Asia and GRCh37) whilst we investigate a problem with the underlying infrastructure in our Harlow data center. Some of our archive resources are also currently unavailable. We are sorry for the trouble this may cause and we hope to restore them as soon as we can. Other resources such as our FTP site and public MySQL servers are unaffected.

Ensembl is rapidly working towards annotating large collections of genomes based on the nodes of the Earth BioGenome Project. Our aim is to characterise the genome of new species to reinvigorate our understanding of biological diversity, strengthen conservation efforts, and benefit human welfare. Read more to find out how Ensembl will contribute to tackle the climate change challenges that face the world today.

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Update: registration is now closed as all of the available places on the virtual Ensembl browser and REST API workshops have been filled. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please e-mail the Ensembl Helpdesk.

We’ve got another round of the free virtual Ensembl workshops covering the genome browser and the REST API. The Browser workshop will be held between Tuesday 18th May – Thursday 20th May 2021 (7pm-10pm BST) and the REST API workshop will be held between Tuesday 25th May – Thursday 27th May 2021 (7:30pm-10pm BST). Read on for more information and registration instructions.

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Registration is now open for two free virtual Ensembl workshops covering the genome browser and the REST API. The Browser workshop will be held between Tuesday 26th January – Thursday 28th January 2021 (2pm-5pm) and the REST API workshop will be held between Wednesday 3rd February – Friday 5th February 2021 (2pm-4:15pm). More information and registration instructions can be found below.

Update: registration is now closed as all of the available places on the virtual Ensembl browser and REST API workshops have been filled. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please e-mail the Ensembl Helpdesk.

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We are pleased to announce the release of Ensembl 102, and the corresponding release of Ensembl Genomes 49 featuring lots of new and updated data in this release including the addition of human population frequency data from the NCBI Allele Frequency Aggregator, new plant species and a large update of the available bacterial data.

Genome assemblies and annotation for many new species are also being continuously added to the Ensembl Rapid Release genome browser.

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