Update: Registration is now closed, as all of the available places on the virtual Ensembl browser and REST API workshops have been filled. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please e-mail the Ensembl Helpdesk.

We’ve got another round of our recurring virtual series covering the genome browser and the REST API. Both workshops will be held between Tuesday – Thursday, with the Browser on 7th-9th September and the REST API on 14th-16th September 2021 (2pm-5pm BST). Read on for more information and registration instructions.

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Have you missed out on the open Ensembl workshops in May? We’ve got another round of our recurring virtual series covering the genome browser and the REST API. Both workshops will be held between Tuesday – Thursday, with the Browser on 8th-10th June and the REST API on 15th-17th June 2021 (9am-12pm BST). Read on for more information and registration instructions.

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