In our Getting to know us (a.k.a. Teamsembl) blog series we talk to Ensembl colleagues and ask them a series of questions. In February, we interviewed Natalie Willhoft, who recently took over the role of project leader of the Ensembl Automation team. Join us as we learn more about Natalie’s role, what she did before joining Ensembl and find out the exciting things she does with her family in her freetime.

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Ensembl VEP calculates the location and likely impact of variant alleles on genes, producing extensive annotations, but there are now a huge number of human transcripts to consider. The new GENCODE Primary transcript set streamlines the variant annotation process, saving time in both analysis and results filtering/ interpretation.

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In our Getting to know us (a.k.a. Teamsembl) blog series we talk to Ensembl colleagues and ask them a series of questions. To kick off the year, we had the pleasure of interviewing Jon Keatley, who is the project leader of the Ensembl Web team. The Web team is the driving force behind developing, maintaining, and improving the Ensembl websites, including creating user interfaces and data visualisations. Join us as we explore Jon’s journey, the work he is currently involved in and the activities he enjoys with his family outside of work.

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We are pleased to announce the release of Ensembl 113, and the corresponding release of Ensembl Genomes 60. This release brings major gene and regulatory feature annotation updates in Homo sapiens (Human) and Mus musculus (Mouse). We have updated existing genomes and added additional genomes across the different Ensembl sites, including livestock breeds in Ensembl, three new species in Ensembl Plants and 26 new species in Ensembl Metazoa. Can’t find the species you are looking for? Don’t forget that new and exciting genome assemblies and annotations are continuously added to Ensembl Rapid Release!

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The Ensembl VEP command-line tool can annotate and filter variants called against the latest human assemblies, including the telomere-to-telomere assembly of the CHM13 cell line (T2T-CHM13). In this blog post, we provide examples of how to run Ensembl VEP with these new assemblies and list the additional annotations supported via plugins.

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In July, we talked to Reham Fatima, a member of the Havana team. The Havana team carry out manual annotation on human, mouse, zebrafish and rat genomes. Reham has contributed to the MANE and GENCODE projects. Read more about Reham’s work at EMBL-EBI and what kind of cuisine she likes the most. You can also see some amazing photographs she has taken in her free time.

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