Ensembl Beta is in development, known bugs for this site will be listed below.
Incorrect counts on popular species display | |
Affects: Ensembl Beta | Expected fix: within next two beta releases |
Description: The counts displayed within the black bubbles on the popular species grid of the https://beta.ensembl.org/species-selector page may not accurately represent the total count of genomes available for that species available in https://beta.ensembl.org | |
Workaround: No current workaround. Please use the species search bar to search across all species in https://beta.ensembl.org |
Missing genomes from Ensembl Beta | |
Affects: Ensembl Beta | Expected fix: within next two beta releases |
Description: There were technical difficulties when adding the following genomes to beta.ensembl.org: Canis lupus familiaris (Dog, Breed: Basenji) – Basenji_breed-1.1 (GCA_004886185.2) Electrophorus electricus (Electric eel) – fEleEle1.pri (GCA_013358815.1) | |
Workaround: Please access these datasets via rapid.ensembl.org RR FTP links: Canis lupus familiaris (Dog, Breed: Basenji) – Basenji_breed-1.1 (GCA_004886185.2): https://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/rapid-release/species/Canis_lupus_familiaris/GCA_004886185.2/ensembl/ Electrophorus electricus (Electric eel) – fEleEle1.pri (GCA_013358815.1): https://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/rapid-release/species/Electrophorus_electricus/GCA_013358815.1/ensembl/ |