Pre! sites have been released for two species: Southern Platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus) and Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus).

Xiphophorus maculatus
The playtfish assembly Xiphophorus maculatus 4.4.2 (GCA_000241075.1) was submitted by the The Genome Institute, Washington University at St. Louis. The Southern Platyfish is of interest for development of malignant melanoma when crossed with other members of the Xiphophorus family, and the family is used as a model for the study of hereditary cancer. This assembly is composed of 20,640 unplaced scaffolds. Click here to go to the platyfish Pre! site, where you can view platyfish protein and EST alignments, as well as alignments of the Ensembl release 65 zebrafish and stickleback translations. This assembly will undergo full automatic gene annotation in due course.
The budgerigar assembly Melopsittacus_undulatus_6.3 (GCA_000238935.1) was submitted by the The Genome Institute, Washington University at St. Louis. The budgerigar is important as a model species in the study of hereditary mutations which cause color variation in the feathers. This assembly is composed of 25211 unplaced scaffolds. Click here to go to the budgerigar Pre! site, where you can view budgerigar protein alignments, as well as alignments of the Ensembl release 65 human, chicken and zebra finch translations. This assembly will undergo full automatic gene annotation in due course.