Joannella Morales, Jane Loveland and Adam Frankish contributed to this post.

Back in October, we introduced you to our new joint initiative with the NCBI — the Matched Annotation from the NCBI and EMBL-EBI (MANE) transcript set. We are now pleased to update you on our progress so far.

The goal of this project is to share annotation and converge on a high-confidence, genome-wide transcript set, with a matched transcript in both RefSeq and Ensembl/GENCODE. We are doing this in two phases. During phase 1, we will release the “MANE Select” transcript set to include one well-supported transcript for every protein-coding locus. We envision the adoption of the MANE Select set as a default set across genomics resources. In phase 2, we intend to release an expanded set (“MANE Plus”) to include additional transcripts per locus that are well-supported or of particular user interest.

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