One of the biggest highlights of the new Ensembl Plants release 40 is the inclusion of the new Wheat (RefSeq v1.0) genome from the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC).

The path to sequencing the wheat genome has been no easy ride, due to its large and highly repetitive genome. This new assembly from the IWGSC bridges many gaps from the initial genome sequencing effort. Read on to find out more about this exciting new genome assembly!

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We’ve been tending the Ensembl Plants garden with great care, have cultivated several new species and updated a number of genome assemblies, including a new chromosome-level wheat genome from IWGSC. The protist team have also been busy and are proud to announce an updated assembly for Leishmania major.

Read on to find out more about these exciting new updates and more in this new release of Ensembl Genomes!

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Are you feline excited for our new pawsome release?!

Ensembl 93 has been released, bringing with it two new big cat genomes for tiger and leopard, and an update to the domestic cat assembly. If cats aren’t your thing, we also have a huge new dbSNP import for human and a brand new regulatory build and GENCODE update for mouse.

We also have a new hagfish genome, important changes to our VEP REST endpoints, and many more exciting developments so read on to find out more!

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Both Ensembl release 93 and Ensembl Genomes release 40 are scheduled for late June and early July 2018, respectively.

Included are a number of new genomes and genebuilds for vertebrates and plants (including leopard, Amur tiger, hagfish, pigeon pea, carrot and adzuki bean) and significant updates to the mouse GENCODE annotation and regulatory build. This release will also bring a new import of variants from dbSNP for human, and allele frequencies for dog variation data!

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