Ensembl 114 and Ensembl Genomes 61 are expected in March 2025. Check out what we’re up to, although we can’t guarantee everything listed here will make it into the final release.
We recently updated our regulatory annotation substantially in release 113. In the new 114 release, we will lift over this annotation to GRCh37 (see Table 1 below).
External features from VISTA or FANTOM will be retired for the Human & Mouse Other Regulatory Regions datasets in the Regulation BioMart.
We will retire further probe mapping species in 114;
Caenorhabditis elegans
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Ciona intestinalis
Table 1: Summary of regulation updates in Ensembl release 114.
Common name | Species | Assembly | Data updated |
Human | Homo sapiens | GRCh37 | Lifted over data: regulatory annotation and motif features |
GRCh38 | Updated regulatory annotation and motif features | ||
Cow | Bos taurus | ARS-UCD2.0 (GCA_002263795.4) | Regulatory annotation, Primary data tracks |
Mouse | Mus musculus | GRCm39 | Motif feature IDs fix |
The GENCODE Primary tag, introduced in release 113, will become the default gene display in human and mouse.
MANE will be updated to release v1.4.
New Assemblies and/or Annotation
Rat reference update (GRCr8 automated annotation)
Rattus norvegicus (GRCr8)
Update to annotations for The Mouse Genomes Project
Mus musculus c3hhej (C3H_HeJ_v3)
Mus musculus balbcj (BALB_cJ_v3)
Mus musculus dba2j (DBA_2J_v3)
Mus musculus nodshiltj (NOD_ShiLtJ_v3)
Mus musculus pwkphj (PWK_PhJ_v3)
Mus musculus wsbeij (WSB_EiJ_v3)
Mus musculus aj (A_J_v3)
Mus musculus 129s1svimj (129S1_SvImJ_v3)
Mus musculus fvbnj (FVB_NJ_v3)
Mus musculus cbaj (CBA_J_v3)
Mus musculus casteij (CAST_EiJ_v3)
Mus musculus c57bl6nj (C57BL_6NJ_v3)
Mus musculus akrj (AKR_J_v3)
Mus musculus nzohlltj (NZO_HlLtJ_v3)
Mus musculus lpj (LP_J_v3)
Mus spretus (SPRET_EiJ_v3)
New annotations for The Mouse Genome Project:
Mus musculus molossinus jf1msj (JF1_MsJ_v3)
Livestock and Companion Animals
Bos taurus (Reference; ARS-UCD2.0)
New annotations
Ovis aries (Ujimqin; ASM2241675v1)
Ovis aries (Texel; ASM2241677v1)
Change on reference for cat
New annotation and new reference
Felis catus (F.catus_Fca126_mat1.0)
Old reference, now displayed as a breed (no changes to annotation)
Felis catus (Felis_catus_9.0 (Abyssinian breed))
New Genomes
Sphenostylis stenocarpa (African yam bean; GCA_963425845.1)
Triticum aestivum Alchemy (wheat cultivar; GCA_951799155.1)
Hordeum vulgare (75 Barley genomes)
Updated species
Vitis vinifera PN40024 T2T assembly (Grapes, GCA_030704535.1)
Updated data for Plant species
Wheat Watkins variation data
New assembly on existing species (assembly and annotation)
Anopheles albimanus (GCF_013758885.1)
Anopheles gambiae (GCF_943734735.2)
Bombyx mori (GCF_030269925.1)
Magallana gigas (GCF_963853765.1)
New annotation source for existing species
Aedes albopictus (GCF_035046485.1)
Anopheles albimanus (GCA_000349125.2)
Anopheles coluzzii (GCA_004136515.2)
Anopheles darlingi (GCF_943734745.1)
Anopheles quadriannulatus (GCA_000349065.1)
Biomphalaria glabrata (GCF_947242115.1)
Glossina morsitans (GCA_001077435.1)
Updated annotations
Anopheles gambiae (GCF_000005575.2)
Drosophila melanogaster (GCA_000001215.4)
Haemaphysalis longicornis (GCA_013339765.2)
Hyalomma asiaticum (GCA_013339685.2)
Ixodes persulcatus (GCA_013358835.2)
Entirely new species (assembly and annotation)
Argiope bruennichi (GCF_947563725.1)
Chrysoperla carnea (GCF_905475395.1)
Culicoides brevitarsis (GCF_036172545.1)
Cydia pomonella (GCF_033807575.1)
Eurytemora carolleeae (GCF_000591075.1)
Gordionus sp (GCF_954871325.1)
Halichondria panicea (GCF_963675165.1)
Ischnura elegans (GCF_921293095.1)
Liolophura japonica (GCF_032854445.1)
Macrobrachium nipponense (GCF_015104395.2)
Platynereis dumerilii (GCA_026936325.1)
Schistosoma haematobium (GCF_000699445.3)
Support for non tabix-indexed Ensembl VEP cache will be removed. Indexed VEP caches are more efficient and faster and should be used for all cases.
GRCh37 website will have a new track option available for gnomAD v4.1 variants.
New variation data from EVA release 6 will be available for:
Bos taurus (GCA_002263795.4)
Gallus gallus (GCA_01669948.1, GCA_000002315.5)
Equus caballus (GCA_002863925.1)
Felis catus (GCA_000181335.4, GCA_018350175.1)
Canis lupus familiaris (GCA_014441545.1)
Capra hircus (GCA_001704415.1)
Danio rerio (GCA_000002035.4)
Ovis aries (GCA_016772045.1)
Mus musculus (GCA_000001635.9)
Rattus norvegicus (GCA_036323735.1)
Sus scrofa (GCA_000003025.6)
Bison bison bison (GCA_000754665.1)
Neovison vison (GCA_900108605.1)
Salmo salar (GCA_905237065.2)
Pan troglodytes (GCA_000001515.5)
Ficedula albicollis (GCA_000247815.2)
Macaca fascicularis (GCA_011100615.1)
Bos grunniens (GCA_005887515.1)
Dicentrarchus labrax (GCA_905237075.1)
Nomascus leucogenys (GCA_000146795.3)
Manacus vitellinus (GCA_001715985.2)
Parus major (GCA_001522545.2)
Seriola dumerili (GCA_002260705.1)
Cavia porcellus (GCA_000151735.1)
Coturnix japonica (GCA_001577835.1)
Macaca mulatta (GCA_003339765.3)
Anas platyrhynchos (GCA_008746955.1)
Microcebus murinus (GCA_000165445.3)
Oreochromis niloticus (GCA_001858045.3)
Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii (GCA_003704035.1)
Sander lucioperca (GCA_008315115.1)
Microtus ochrogaster (GCA_000317375.1)
Oryctolagus cuniculus (GCA_000003625.1)
Oncorhynchus mykiss (GCA_013265735.3)
Pongo abelii (GCA_002880775.3)
Meleagris gallopavo (GCA_000146605.4)
Chlorocebus sabaeus (GCA_000409795.2)
Callithrix jacchus (GCA_011100555.1)
Taeniopygia guttata (GCA_003957565.2)
Other updates and changes
We will retire Ensembl archive 98 (September 2019) with the release of Ensembl 114.