Due to scheduled maintenance work, a number of Ensembl services will be temporarily unavailable on Monday 13th March 2023 between 09:30 (GMT) and 14:00 (GMT).
The following services will be unavailable while the work is being carried out:
- Tools on all Ensembl sites including the main Ensembl site, mirrors, and Ensembl Genomes non-vertebrates sites.
- All Ensembl and Ensembl Genomes non-vertebrate archive sites.
It is also likely that other services, including the main Ensembl site, mirrors, Ensembl Genomes non-vertebrates sites and REST API will experience intermittent down-time while the work is being carried out. The public MySQL server, however, will remain available and will not be affected during this period. Services will be resumed as soon as the work has been completed. If you have any questions about the planned maintenance work, please contact us on the Ensembl Helpdesk.