Coming back into the office at Ensembl

Firstly, a very happy new year from us at Ensembl. We spent last year adapting to the new and exciting challenges with the reopening of the Wellcome Genome campus. Like other research institutes around the world, EMBL EBI has risen to the occasion, acting swiftly to safeguard staff and students and embracing the new ways of hybrid working in creative and bold ways. 

Most teams within the EBI spend at least 3 days in the office with Wednesday and Thursday being popular office days.

Genome assembly and annotation retreat. Left to right: Akshatha Nayak, Zoe Hollis, Ben Moore, Elspeth Bruford, Louisse Mirabueno and Aleena Mushtaq.

EMBL EBI’s approach is based on providing a flexible and supportive working environment. Remote working definitely has its advantages in terms of individual productivity as well as balancing work/life demands. However, we have missed the sense of belonging and the social aspect that comes with working around colleagues. 

Last year was especially exciting for the Ensembl Outreach team as we were back to delivering in-person courses at campus and around the world. 

Bioinformatics and functional genomics in zebrafish course at the Wellcome Genome Campus

Ben Moore in front of the Hollywood Sign in Los Angeles for ASHG 2022

Aleena Mushtaq in Paris for Genopole Autumn School 2022 

Louisse Mirabueno in front of Templo de la Santa Cruz whilst on her trip to deliver a workshop in Querétaro, Mexico.

At EMBL-EBI we continue to develop practices that help us benefit from flexibility while facilitating and maximising the in-person connections. At Ensembl, we hope to continue developing our hybrid working policy to support face to face and virtual workshops. Please click here for more information on hosting a workshop at your institute!