We’re excited to be trying a new conference this year: the African Society of Human Genetics (AfSHG) conference in collaboration with H3Africa, in Kigali Rwanda, 19th-21st September. The conference is a fantastic opportunity for African scientists to showcase their work, build collaborations and learn more about their field of research. For us, it’s great to see what research is going on outside of our usual sphere, as well as to promote our free database and training to researchers who could benefit from it.
I’ll be presenting a poster during the conference, so if you’re attending, please come and talk to me, either during the poster sessions or if you spot me during the breaks. I can give you an idea of what Ensembl is about, help troubleshoot any issues you’re having with Ensembl and discuss opportunities for free Ensembl training in low-middle income countries.
I’ll be live-tweeting from the conference from @Ensemily #AfSHG2018, so if you can’t make it then I’ll keep you up to date on all the exciting research that’s going on. You can also contact me via Twitter if you’d like to meet up (tweet up?).
After the conference, I’ll be teaching on the Wellcome Trust Advanced Courses course on NGS Analysis for Monogenic Disease in African Populations. I’ll be working with colleagues from across the globe to discuss annotation and interpretation of variants in rare disease for a select group of students.
Rwanda will be the third African nation I’ve visited for Ensembl training, after South Africa and Malawi, so I’m also excited to see a new country, sampling the culture and the food. I’m not holding out much hope for spotting a gorilla in the middle of Kigali though.