Free online course – learn to use the Ensembl browser

This September, we’re excited to announce the third iteration of our free webinar-based browser course. While our in-person workshops are the best way to learn about Ensembl, we know that not everyone can attend or organise one. If that’s you, then our webinar course is perfect for you.

What’s a webinar course?

Webinars are a great way to learn remotely, as they allow trainers and instructors to interact directly. While our trainer is talking about Ensembl and showing you how to use it, you’re at home or at work, following along live. That means that you can stop the instructor to ask questions, find out more about the topics that interest you and clarify anything you’re unsure about, all in real time.

We’re going to hold four webinars over two weeks, on the 4th, 6th, 11th and 13th September, all at 3pm BST (GMT + 1). Each webinar will last about 1.5 hours and after each one, we’ll post the videos online, so if you can’t make the live webinars you can still take part. There will also be exercises available online, so you can practice what you’ve learned. All this will stay online indefinitely, so you can catch up at your leisure. We will set up a Slack workspace where you can discuss the course and exercises with the trainers and other participants, and everyone registered will be invited to join, or if you prefer to not use Slack, you can email us.

How do I take part?

To sign up to see the live webinars, to be invited to join our Slack workspace, or to just get email updates on when the videos are available, click on the link below.

What will the course cover?

The course is a slightly extended version of our standard one-day browser course:

Date Webinar topic Instructor
4th September Introduction to Ensembl

Ensembl genes

Astrid Gall

Emily Perry

6th September Variation data in Ensembl and the Ensembl VEP

Comparing genes and genomes with Ensembl Compara

Erin Haskell

Astrid Gall

11th September Finding features that regulate genes – the Ensembl Regulatory Build

Data export with BioMart

Emily Perry

Erin Haskell

13th September Uploading your data to Ensembl

Introduction to the Ensembl REST APIs

Astrid Gall

Emily Perry