We think conferences are great opportunities to use talks and posters to tell people about all the cool stuff we’re developing, provide training with workshops and learn more about what’s going on in our fields of interest. Ensembl team members attend many conferences a year and 2018 is no exception, we’re planning to attend twenty (so far)!
Ensembl developments at conferences

Guy from Ensembl Plants at Plant and Animal Genomes, where he talked about wheat annotation
Conferences can be a great place to learn about the exciting new developments going on at Ensembl. We often have posters and talks at many relevant conferences. So far this year, PAG featured talks from our gene annotators on their work with the wheat, goat, sheep and pig genomes. Later on, we’ll have posters at VizBi on our work with user journeys, at Biology of Genomes on rodent annotation and on the genome editing catalogue and at Genomics of Rare Disease on genotype to phenotype mapping and resources, plus many more. We like to give conference goers a sneaky peak of what’s coming in Ensembl and how it all works in the background.
It’s really useful for us to get feedback on the work we’re doing, so if you see we’re at a conference you’re attending, please come and say Hi. Drop by our posters, come to our talks or just collar us at coffee. Ensembl Twitter will usually tell you who might be at a conference, so keep an eye on that for names.
Ensembl training at conferences

Emily and Erin from our Outreach team at the Pan-Arab Human Genetics Conference where they delivered a workshop
Conferences are an ideal opportunity to deliver training on using Ensembl, as so many people gather from different parts of the world to learn about what’s going on in their field, including how to better use Ensembl. We’ve already delivered a short workshop and some smaller demos at PAG and a full-day workshop at PAHGC this year, and we have more short workshops planned at PAG Asia, ESHG and ASHG. As well as delivering their workshops, our trainers are keen to chat to people they meet at workshops and help them deal with their Ensembl problems, one-on-one.
We can deliver training at or as a satellite to any relevant conferences. If you’re organising a conference and you think Ensembl training would be a good fit, drop us an email.
Ensembl learning at conferences
It’s so important for us to keep up with developments in the field. By attending conferences, we can learn what everybody else is doing and what kinds of online tools and data they’re working with to achieve their goals. We then feed that back into the data we include in Ensembl and how we design our interfaces. We also take the opportunity to talk to people who use Ensembl, to find out what they need from us for their research. If we start asking you lots of questions after your talk or at your poster, it’s usually because we think what you’re doing could influence the future of Ensembl.
Where are we going in 2018?
- Plant and Animal Genomes (PAG) in San Diego
- Pan Arab Human Genetics Conference (PAHGC) in Dubai
- RNA UK in the Lake District, UK
- Genomics of Rare Disease at the Wellcome Genome Campus
- VizBi in Cambridge, Massachusetts
- RECOMB CG in Paris
- Biology of Genomes at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
- Curating the Clinical Genome at the Wellcome Genome Campus
- Plant and Animal Genomes Asia (PAG Asia) in Seoul
- European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) in Milan
- 16th Annual Meeting of the Complex Trait Community in Glasgow
- International Zebrafish Conference in Madison, Wisconsin
- European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) in Athens
- Genome 10K meeting in New York
- Genome Informatics at the Wellcome Genome Campus
- AfSHG in Kigali
- American Society for Human Genetics (ASHG) in San Diego
- International Mammalian Genome Conference (IMGC) in Puerto Rico