Ensembl 90 is scheduled for August 2017 and it’s set to be our biggest release ever in terms of new genome annotation. Here’s what you can look forward to:
New assemblies, gene sets and annotations
- Annotation of 15 rodent genomes, including three updates to old genomes:
- Brazilian guinea pig
- Chinese hamster
- Damara mole rat
- Degu
- Golden Hamster
- Guinea Pig (update)
- Kangaroo rat (update)
- Lesser Egyptian jerboa
- Long-tailed chinchilla
- Naked mole-rat – we have two different assemblies for naked mole-rat so you can keep working with your preferred genome
- Northern American deer mouse
- Prairie vole
- Squirrel (update)
- Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat
- Bringing in annotation of the well-used rodent cell-line, Chinese Hamster Ovary, and two mouse species, Ryukyu mouse and Shrew mouse.
- Annotation on the latest Pig genome assembly, Sscrofa11.1
- Updating the Human gene set to GENCODE 27.
- Updating the Mouse gene set to GENCODE M15.
- Adding transcript models from RNA-seq to the gene database and pri-miRNAs to the otherfeatures database in Zebrafish.
Other updates and highlights
- Updating our human variation database with:
- COSMIC 81 somatic variants
- HGMD 2016.4
- dbSNP 150
- DGVa structural variants
- TopMed in GRCh37
- Phenotypes from NHGRI-EBI GWAS, OMIM, ClinVar, UniProt, Cosmic Gene Census, DDG2P, MIM Morbid and Orphanet
- In other species we also have variation updates as follows:
- DGVa in Cow, Dog and Mouse
- Phenotype updates from relevant databases in Cat, Chicken, Chimpanzee, Cow, Dog, Horse, Macaque, Mouse, Pig, Rat, Sheep, Turkey and Zebrafish
- Updating our microarray probe mappings in:
- C.intestinalis
- Caenorhabditis elegans
- Chicken
- Chimpanzee
- Cow
- Dog
- Fruitfly
- Human
- Macaque
- Mouse
- Mouse 129S1/SvImJ
- Mouse A/J
- Mouse AKR/J
- Mouse BALB/cJ
- Mouse C3H/HeJ
- Mouse C57BL/6NJ
- Mouse CAST/EiJ
- Mouse CBA/J
- Mouse DBA/2J
- Mouse FVB/NJ
- Mouse LP/J
- Mouse NOD/ShiLtJ
- Mouse NZO/HlLtJ
- Mouse PWK/PhJ
- Mouse SPRET/EiJ
- Mouse WSB/EiJ
- Pig
- Platypus
- Rabbit
- Rat
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Xenopus
- Zebrafish
For more details on the declared intentions, please visit our Ensembl admin site. Please note that these are intentions and are not guaranteed to make it into the release.