What’s new?
Ensembl Plants now has an archive site, where we will keep selected previous releases of Ensembl Plants publicly available. The first release available on the archive site is release 31, and includes the previous assemblies for wheat and maize.
New assemblies in Ensembl Plants include:
- A new assembly of the bread wheat genome (TGACv1). The assembly has a scaffold N50 of 88 Kbp and a total length of 13.4 Gbp in contigs greater than 500 bp. Approximately 99,000 genes (99% of the total) annotated on the previous IWGSC Chromosome Survey Sequence Assembly have been mapped to the new assembly
- An updated assembly of the Zea mays genome (AGPv4)
Genome assemblies for 5 new species, including Beta vulgaris (sugar beet), Brassica napus (rapeseed) and Trifolium pratense (red clover)
Ensembl Metazoa: Rfam covariance models have been applied to all metazoan genomes, and are shown in the ‘Rfam models’ track in the genome browser. Click on a model to see the description and the secondary structure.
Ensembl Bacteria now includes the latest versions of 41,610 genomes (41,198 bacteria and 412 archaea) from the INSDC archives. In this release we added 2269 new genomes, 15 genomes with updated assemblies, 212 genomes with updated annotation, 906 genomes where the assigned name has changed, and 243 genomes removed since the last release.
Ensembl Fungi has been updated with 47 newly available genomes and now includes 634 genomes from 388 species. PHI-base references have been added where available, as have non-coding RNA matches to Rfam.
25 new genomes have been added to Ensembl Protists, which now includes 178 genomes from 114 species.
You can find more details in the release notes.