What is new?
- Software update: now version 81 of the Ensembl project for all our 23,636 genomes from 4,991 species
- Annotation update: Schizosaccharomyces pombe genes based on version 53 of PomBase Chado

Gene Ontology (GO) annotations are some of the updates for S. pombe genes in Ensembl Fungi release 28
- MySQL databases for release 18 are no longer available
- Protein domains for Protists, Metazoa, Fungi and Plants recalculated with the InterProScan (version 5.13-52.0)

Protein domains updated from InterProScan for Fungi, Protists, Metazoa and Plants in this new release
- Updated BioMart: Protists, Metazoa, Fungi and Plants.
Any questions or comments? Get in touch.