What’s new in e81:
- Human: updated to GENCODE 23 including manually annotated HAVANA annotation, with the new assembly patches (GRCh38.p3)
- Mouse and zebrafish clone tracks
- New mouse regulatory build
- Transcript sequence markup
Human gene set update and new assembly patches
The human gene set now corresponds to GENCODE 23 while the assembly has been updated to include new assembly patches for GRCh38.p3.
Mouse and zebrafish clone tracks
Mouse and zebrafish clone libraries have been imported from the NCBI clone database to replace our previous DAS tracks. The new clones tracks can be found under “Clones and misc regions” in the configuration menu on the left hand side, while the coordinates for the BAC ends can be found as tracks under “Simple features”, also from the configuration menu.
New mouse regulatory build
The Regulatory Build on Mouse was re-computed, converting the “old style” build to the “new style” build introduced on human in e!76. All Regulatory Builds in Ensembl are now updated to the new style. We have also increased the number of mouse cell types to 8.
Transcript sequence mark up
Transcript sequences can now be marked up to show exons as alternating upper and lower case characters, rather than grey/blue text. Simply tick the “Show exons as alternating upper/lower case” box in the “Configure this page” panel on Transcript cDNA or Transcript Protein pages.
This markup option will also carry over to the sequence export if RTF format is chosen.
Other news
- Mouse: updated to GENCODE M6 including HAVANA annotation with the new assembly patched (GRCm38.p4)
- Annotations now available in GFF3 format for all our species on our FTP site
- Phenotype data updated for several species, including human, mouse, sheep and chicken
- Sheep: updated gene set including lincRNA genes
A complete list of the changes can be found on the Ensembl website.