What’s new in e80:
- 1000 Genomes phase 3 and dbSNP build 142 studies imported for human
- Gene Expression Atlas Widget
- Updated zebrafish and rat gene annotation based on the GRCz10 and Rnor_6.0 assemblies respectively
- Track label improvement
- New user data track type: long-range interactions
1000 Genomes phase 3 and dbSNP build 142
We are happy to announce that Human dbSNP 142 incorporating 1000 Genomes phase 3 data is now available for the GRCh38 assembly.
Gene Expression Atlas Widget
The Gene Expression Atlas widget has been embedded into Ensembl. You can now view where the gene is expressed anatomically and also which experiment it is associated with.
Updated zebrafish and rat gene annotation based on the GRCz10 and Rnor_6.0 assemblies
We are really excited to release the full gene annotation, dbSNP and microarray updates for:
- Rat, based on the new Rnor_6.0 assembly (GCA_000001895.4) from the Rat Genome Sequencing Consortium. Rat variation data were re-mapped to the new assembly and microarrays mapping were updated.
- Zebrafish, based on the GRChz10 assembly (GCA_000002035.3) from the GRC. Zebrafish variation data were updated to dbSNP142 and microarrays mapping were also updated.
Track label improvement
Some tracks in images now appear within sections, grouping common tracks within a category is now possible.
Each section is identified by a heading underlined in a certain colour, and each track within that section using the same colour on the left-hand side.
Also, some tracks now have labels within the image itself, to allow longer descriptions. These in-image labels can be configured on or off via the configuration panel.
New user data track type: long-range interactions
We are very pleased to announce that Ensembl now supports long-range pairwise interaction data, which can be drawn as arcs on Region in Detail. Scores are indicated using a grey-to-black gradient, and labels can be displayed by selecting the appropriate track style from the configuration menu.
Initially we support the two formats developed by WashU for their Epigenomics browser. More information on both formats can be found in our online documentation.
We hope to support more formats in the future, so please let us know which formats you are currently using!
Other news
- Mouse GENCODE M5 (GRCm38.p3): An updated version of the GENCODE gene set
- We’ve imported sequence variants from:
- New BioMart documentation
- New export options for comparative views (homologues, gene trees and OrthoXML filtering)
- Gap initiation update for BLAT and BLAST
A complete list of the changes can be found on the Ensembl website.