- Updated names and descriptions for Strigamia maritima genes
- 777 new bacterial genomes (Ensembl Bacteria now contains 21,767genomes)
- Assemblies 2.40 and 2.50 of tomato available in Assembly Converter (to transfer genomic coordinates between assemblies)
- New variation data for the plant pathogens Verticillium dahliae (JR2 strain) and Zymoseptoria tritici

Explore the new variation data in the plant pathogen Z. tritici. This variation database was constructed based on as study SRP017760 downloaded from ENA.
Genome comparisons for Triticeae and related species
Whole genome alignments between seven pairs of Triticeae genomes, including the bread wheat A, B and D component genomes, Triticum urartu (the A genome progenitor), Aegilops tauschii (the D genome progenitor), and barley are now available. The alignments were obtained using ATAC and the statistics on genome and coding exon coverages can be found on our website. See the ATAC results for the comparison between T. urartu versus A. tauschii genomes.
MAF files on our FTP sites
In response to several requests from our users we now provide the pairwise alignments as MAF files. These can be found on the FTP download site of all Ensembl Genomes divisions. See an example of this data in Ensembl Metazoa.
Other news
- Fungi and Protists: Updated PHIbase annotation and protein domain information based on InterProScan
- Latest assemblies and gene sets for Medicago truncatula and Oryza meridionalis
- New RNASeq data in barley, Oryza sp and Leersia perrieri
A complete list of both new and updated date can be found on our website.
Get in touch if you have any questions or comments.
The Ensembl Genomes team