Ensembl Genomes release 25 is out!


  • New fruitfly assembly BDGP6
  • New bread wheat assembly, including the BAC assembly of chromosome 3B
  • New variation datasets for barley
  • New assemblies and gene annotation for two plant pathogens
  • Sequences from RNAcentral against selected genomes

Variation data in barley


We’ve added three new variation datasets for Hordeum vulgare in this release:

  • Five million variant calls from POPSEQ of cv. Morex x cv. Barke progeny
  • Over six million variant calls from POPSEQ of Oregon Wolfe barley
  • Over 7k SNP assays from the iSelect chip

Non-coding RNA sequences from RNAcentral


Following the launch of the new ncRNA sequence resource RNAcentral, we now show alignments of non-coding sequences against selected genomes. Look for the “RNAcentral sequences” track in the ‘Region in detail’ view and turn the data track on.

New genomes

  • Additional 1,939 completely sequenced and annotated bacterial genomes from INSDC

Other news

Get in touch if you have any questions or comments.

The Ensembl Genomes team