Are you a rat person, i.e. do you work on rat?
Are you joining the 9th Rat Genomics and Models conference in December?
Could you spare another day after the meeting before heading back home?
If so, this post is for you!
Ensembl is extremely pleased to announce that for the first time ever we will be running a workshop specifically targeted at the rat community! The timing could not be more perfect as we have just released the first set of golden genes in rat, i.e. the merge between the Ensembl automatic and the Havana manual annotation.

The rat genome and golden genes in Ensembl.
The ‘Ensembl workshop: browser and tools for accessing the Rat genome’ will consist of talks by different members of the Ensembl team, live demos and hands-on exercises.
Registration is free on a first come, first served basis by filling out this form.
The only pre-requisites are a general knowledge of molecular biology and genomics, in addition to familiarity with web-based genome browsers.
The detailed program is depicted below:
- Day I 04/12/14 (14:00-18:00)
Ensembl Project: Introduction
Ensembl Browser: Live demo
Ensembl Tools: BLAST/BLAT, BioMart
- Day II 05/12/14 (09:30-13:30)
Ensembl Genebuild: Annotating rat genes
Ensembl Variation: Sequence variants in the rat genome
Ensembl Tools: VEP, REST
Workshop wrap up and feedback
Please note that the attendees of the 9th Rat genomics and models conference will be prioritised for this workshop. If there are still spaces available we will open attendance to a wider audience. The maximum number of participants is 30.
The workshop will take place in the beautiful grounds of Wellcome Trust Genome Campus in Hinxton.

The Wellcome Trust Genome Campus on a snowy day in winter.