What’s coming in Ensembl release 74

Ensembl 74 is scheduled for release in December 2013. Highlights for the coming release include:

Updated gene sets
  • Human GENCODE release 19 and mouse GENCODE release M2: manual annotation from Havana will be updated and merged with Ensembl automatic annotation to produce the next gene sets for GENCODE
  • ArmadilloAssembly patches will be added and annotated for human (GRCh37.p13) and mouse (GRCm38.p2)
  • Armadillo assembly will be updated to Dasnov3.0 and include RNAseq data
Variation data imports and updates
  • The latest sequence variants from dbSNP build 138 for human, mouse and cow will be imported.
  • COSMIC version 67 will be imported and COSMIC structural variants will be updated.
  • Mouse phenotype data from IMPC (International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium) will be imported.
  • Variation data for Sheep from dbSNP build 128 and available genotyping chips will be imported.
  • Variation citations will be updated and include, for the first time, data mined by UCSC.
New species (all with RNASeq data)
  • SheepSheep (Oar_v3.1)
  • Cave fish (AstMex102)
  • Spotted gar (LepOcu1)
New web features
  • The Ensembl species list page will contain an exportable table with sortable columns
  • Secondary structure of RNAs will be on the Gene Summary page
  • The gene phenotype view will show phenotypes associated with orthologues of the current gene.

For more details on the declared intentions, please visit our Ensembl admin site. Please note that these are intentions and are not guaranteed to make it into the release.