What’s new in e!72?
- Updated patches for the human assembly (GRCh37.p11)
- New variation citation page and individual genotype search box
- Addition of phenotype association data from OMIM and Orphanet as well as data from the GIANT and MAGIC association studies.
- Imported HGMD-PUBLIC data from release 2013.1 with regulatory data for human.
- Import of COSMIC version 64 and update of COSMIC structural variants
- Updated HAVANA manual curation for human and mouse.
- Import of the genotypes from the Mouse Genomes Project, SNP Release Version 3.
- Updated CCDS sets and cDNA alignments for human and mouse.
- Addition of variation data for gibbon.
- Updated mitochondrial sequence and annotation for several species including alpaca, lamprey, platyfish and xenopus.
New variation citation page and search box
We have added a new page listing the publications where a variation has been cited. This information can also be retrieved in the new variation citation filter and attribute section of the Variation mart.
A form to search an individual is now available in the “Individual genotypes” page located on the variation tab.
Upload VEP output
We have added the ability to upload a VEP output file to the website through the standard upload form. This allows you to re-upload previously calculated consequences, whether from a previous run of the VEP online tool that you have deleted from the website, or an output file from the standalone script (subject to our usual 5MB upload limit).
A complete list of the changes can be found on the Ensembl website