New Pre! sites for cat, chicken, dog, squirrel, and squirrel monkey

Pre! sites have been released for five species: cat (Felis catus), chicken (Gallus gallus), dog (Canis lupus familiaris), squirrel monkey (Saimiri boliviensis) and thirteen-lined ground squirrel (Spermophilus tridecemlineatus).

Felis catus

The cat assembly Felis_catus-6.2 (GCA_000181335.2) was submitted by the International Cat Genome Sequencing Consortium. The domestic cat is important as a model organism for human infectious disease and for the conservation of endangered cat species. This assembly is composed of 19 chromosomes, 749 unlocalized scaffolds and 4731 unplaced scaffolds. Click here to go to the cat Pre! site, where you can view cat protein, cDNA and EST alignments, as well as alignments of the Ensembl release 66 human and cat translations. This assembly will undergo full automatic gene annotation in due course.


Gallus gallus

The chicken assembly Gallus_gallus-4.0 (GCA_000002315.2) was submitted by the International Chicken Genome Consortium. The chicken is important not only as a food source but also for studies in vertebrate embryology and as a model for other bird species. This assembly is composed of 33 chromosomes, 1805 unlocalized and 14093 unplaced scaffolds. Click here to go to the chicken Pre! site, where you can view chicken protein alignments, as well as alignments of the Ensembl release 65 human, chicken, turkey and zebra finch translations. This assembly will undergo full automatic gene annotation in due course.


Canis familiaris

The dog assembly CanFam3.1 (GCA_000002285.2) was submitted by the Dog Genome Sequencing Consortium. The dog is an important model organism for the study of human disease including cancer, heart disease and obsessive-compulsive disorder. This assembly is composed of 39 chromosomes and 3228 unplaced scaffolds. Click here to go to the dog Pre! site, where you can view dog protein, cDNA and EST alignments, as well as alignments of the Ensembl release 65 human and dog translations. Full automatic gene annotation is in progress and will include RNA-seq data.


Spermophilus tridecemlineatus

The squirrel assembly SpeTri2.0 (GCA_000236235.1) was submitted by the Broad Institute. The squirrel is a model for mammal hibernation. This assembly is composed of 12483 unplaced scaffolds. Click here to go to the squirrel Pre! site, where you can view alignments of the Ensembl release 66 squirrel, mouse and human translations. Full automatic gene annotation is in progress and will include RNA-seq data.


Saimiri boliviensis

The squirrel monkey assembly SaiBol1.0 (GCA_000235385.1) was submitted by the Broad Institute. The squirrel monkey is a model organism for infectious disease, behaviour and reproduction. This assembly is composed of 2685 unplaced scaffolds. Click here to go to the squirrel monkey Pre! site, where you can view alignments of the Ensembl release 65 human translations. This assembly will undergo automatic gene annotation in due course.