New Pre! sites for cod, ferret, and tilapia

Pre! sites have been released for three new species: Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo).

The Atlantic cod annotation will be released on our main site for Ensembl release 65, while Nile tilapia and domestic ferret will be available in later releases.

The Atlantic cod assembly gadMor1, provided by the cod genome consortium, has undergone a full gene annotation. The final gene set, displayed here, comprises 20,095 protein-coding genes, 518 pseudogenes, and 1,541 noncoding RNA genes. Click here to go to the Atlantic cod pre site.

The Nile tilapia assembly Orenil1.0, provided by the Broad Institute, has undergone preliminary annotation. This Pre! site displays 20248 raw gene models predicted from alignments of vertebrate proteins in UniProt. Alignments of zebrafish and stickleback Ensembl proteins from release 62 are also available, as are ab initio gene predictions and alignment of sequences from several public databases (e.g. UniGene, EMBL Vertebrate RNA, UniProt). RNASeq data are expected for the Nile tilapia and we intend to make use of these data during the forthcoming analyses. Click here to go to the Nile tilapia pre site.

The domestic ferret assembly MusPutFur1.0 was also provided by the Broad Institute. This Pre! site includes alignments of ferret proteins, cDNAs and ESTs. In addition, ab initio gene predictions and alignment of sequences from several public databases (e.g. UniGene, EMBL Vertebrate RNA, UniProt) are available. Click here to go to the domestic ferret pre site.