Archive retirement schedule

We have reviewed our archive retention policy, and it has been decided that we will now retain archive versions of the main Ensembl website for three years, rather than two as previously advertised. Archives will now be automatically retired on a rolling schedule, as and when they become more than three years old, except as stated below.

Please note that all databases are archived indefinitely and can still be accessed on our public server using the corresponding version of the API, and all versions of our code can still be checked out of CVS; only the web interfaces maintained by the Sanger Institute have a limited lifespan, owing to hardware constraints.

In addition to the past three years’ archives, we will retain a limited number of older sites in order to support the previous assembly of our key model species (human, mouse and zebrafish).

The following archives are scheduled for retirement at the end of June 2011:

  • 35 (Nov 2005)
  • 38 (Apr 2006)
  • 43 (Feb 2007)
  • 47 (Oct 2007)
  • 48 (Dec 2007)
  • 49 (Mar 2008)

Release 46 (Aug 2007) will be retained for the forseeable future as it is the last release containing mouse assembly NCBI m36.

To find out which archive supports a particular assembly, please see the assembly table on the main Ensembl website.