Beta site for browser testing

We’d like to announce our beta site at  This site will allow us to show you the latest features of our website, and to get user feedback before new functionality and design are moved over to our live site.

Come by and try it out!  Leave us feedback by clicking on the black Feedback button at the right of beta pages.

Our latest features on the beta site are listed on the front page.  Two of the ones we’re most excited about are:

1) Track ordering on region in detail.  Want to change the order of data tracks on the genome?  Either use the bar at the left, or reorder them using Configure this page.  You can even move them all to one side of the chromosome (at the moment, Ensembl separates them by strand.)  See our help page for more.

2) Draw features for selected species in alignment views in the location tab.  For example, add a species to multi-species view.  Click on configure this page at the left.  A species menu is now shown, so you can draw data tracks for one species and not the other, if you like!  See the bottom of the help page for more about this functionality.