Neandertal Genome Browser

In collaboration with the Neandertal Genome Project, we have created an Ensembl-style browser of the Neandertal data available at A draft sequence of the Neandertal genome was published in the May 7 issue of Science.

The Neandertal browser includes the ability to visualise the Neandertal data using the new Resembl code developed in collaboration with Illumina. The Resembl code will be introduced in the 1000 Genomes browser later this month and in Ensembl over the summer.

Data include:
– Neandertal sequencing reads from all 6 Neandertal fossils
– Neandertal contigs/consensus from all individuals combined
– Modern human sequencing reads to put the divergence of the Neandertal genomes into perspective
– Selective sweep scan to detect positive selection in early modern humans
– A catalog of changes consisting of Neandertal alleles for positions of non-synonymous difference between human and chimpanzee

Full details of the data types and instructions for using our new display tools are available on the data information page.

Links are also provided from the Neandertal Browser home page to the raw sequence data stored at the EBI for the Neandertal genome project and the modern human genome data.

Further information about the project is available from the project page at Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, from the genome paper and from other companion papers in the same issue of science.

We thank Janet Kelso, Ed Green and Udo Stenzel at the MPI for assistance and Eugene Kulesha at the EBI for work to create the Neandertal browser.