Ensembl Genomes 40 has been released!

We’ve been tending the Ensembl Plants garden with great care, have cultivated several new species and updated a number of genome assemblies, including a new chromosome-level wheat genome from IWGSC. The protist team have also been busy and are proud to announce an updated assembly for Leishmania major.

Read on to find out more about these exciting new updates and more in this new release of Ensembl Genomes!


New wheat genome assembly

This release we have been very fortunate to include the newest update to the wheat genome assembly from the IWGSC. Along with this new chromosome-level assembly, we also provide whole genome alignments to rice and barley, variant mapping and our polyploid genome browser view. You can read the full details of this new assembly in our upcoming blog showcasing this important update to the wheat genome!

Other new species and assemblies

We have three new delicious plant species for this release, directly imported from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) with a pipeline developed in collaboration with the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA):

We also have updated five existing genome assemblies to the most up-to-date reference assemblies. All these updated genomes will have assembly to assembly mapping data so you can convert your coordinates from the old assembly to the new version with our assembly converter tool. We’ve also updated our whole genome alignments for these species.

Our updated genome assemblies are for the following species:



Updated gene set for Leishmania major

The protist team has also been busy updating the gene set for Leishmania major (ASM272v2, GCA_000002725.2). This species is the parasite responsible for causing the disease Leishmaniasis, which affects around 12 million people worldwide.

This updated gene set has increased the number of non-coding gene annotations, increasing from 978 to 1,635 annotated genes, as well as improvements to coding gene and transcript annotations.

Other updates

  • Updated comparative genomics data, gene trees and homologies for all 119 species
  • Updated protein features

Bacteria, Fungi and Metazoa

No significant updates for this release.


For further details about this and previous releases of Ensembl Genomes please visit our release pages.